Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Rite-Aid Diaries

Damn I hate that store but its right down the street and its convienent...

The other Day as I was leaving

There was this big assed truck parked in by the afore mentioned Rite Aid and i was walking with the kids (10 and 12) ...this truck had giant tires and the owner was leaning out the passenger side window cleaning the wind shield.....and stupid me says to the guy (attired in 18 gold chains - with a bumper sticker that reads -"Fat Chicks Not Allowed") ....

Me- You look like are growing out of your truck.
Chain Guy With Truck- "Damn Mother Fucking Seagulls Gone and Shit on my Windows
My Kids -start laughing hysterically
Me - I love Seagulls
Chain Guy With Truck- "Mother Fucker Sea Gulls .....I Could Beat the Shit out of Them....
Me - (whispering) he probably can......
My Kids - "Now Laughing hysterically"-"Dad ask him if he can Fly"
Me - Just keep walking....

Rings is this bleached blond who talks way more than should with every purchase (and she got the nickname because she has a ring on every finger) so customers try to avoid her line because customers just want a quick in and out, without the Drama.

Well tonight the ever so talkative guy in front of me wanted a quick in and out with Rings and I was standing in line just minding my own business as the non transaction in front of me was taking way longer than it should ( I was carry some heavy stuff) and she looks at the guy and says . I need to serve the next guy in line.

She was happy to wait on me and surprisingly glad to get rid of the Cowboy hitting on her (of course she told me that). I always thought she dressed the way she did at that cruddy store just to attract a guy like that. Well apparently not, so Don't judge a book by its cover especially if it is bleached blonde and wearing 11 rings.

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