Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Rite-Aid Diaries

Damn I hate that store but its right down the street and its convienent...

The other Day as I was leaving

There was this big assed truck parked in by the afore mentioned Rite Aid and i was walking with the kids (10 and 12) ...this truck had giant tires and the owner was leaning out the passenger side window cleaning the wind shield.....and stupid me says to the guy (attired in 18 gold chains - with a bumper sticker that reads -"Fat Chicks Not Allowed") ....

Me- You look like are growing out of your truck.
Chain Guy With Truck- "Damn Mother Fucking Seagulls Gone and Shit on my Windows
My Kids -start laughing hysterically
Me - I love Seagulls
Chain Guy With Truck- "Mother Fucker Sea Gulls .....I Could Beat the Shit out of Them....
Me - (whispering) he probably can......
My Kids - "Now Laughing hysterically"-"Dad ask him if he can Fly"
Me - Just keep walking....

Rings is this bleached blond who talks way more than should with every purchase (and she got the nickname because she has a ring on every finger) so customers try to avoid her line because customers just want a quick in and out, without the Drama.

Well tonight the ever so talkative guy in front of me wanted a quick in and out with Rings and I was standing in line just minding my own business as the non transaction in front of me was taking way longer than it should ( I was carry some heavy stuff) and she looks at the guy and says . I need to serve the next guy in line.

She was happy to wait on me and surprisingly glad to get rid of the Cowboy hitting on her (of course she told me that). I always thought she dressed the way she did at that cruddy store just to attract a guy like that. Well apparently not, so Don't judge a book by its cover especially if it is bleached blonde and wearing 11 rings.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


My Homeless Friend

rain pouring down soaking wet
to the bone the core where it’s all
the brunt of the day the meal for
the day based on your honed ability
to dig for all the cans you can get.

as in beer cans soda cans pop bottle
the bane of existence the reason
for waking up that dime for every
bottle left out in the streets makes my
favourite homeless friend a role model

living life as simple as it can get
riding bag laden bike warming gloves
at fast food restaurant dimes add up
to dollars and miles add up to smiles
to the nicest homeless guy I have met.

A child is born onto this earthIt’s a secret to them and theyscream out for direction a Loving hand the nurtures cradlesLoving them for what its worth.Suddenly emerges butterfly with wingsTaking shape evolving learningTo fly alluding nets unforeseenMagically becoming a goddess And all serenity and happiness bringsMarina goddess of the sea and waterOnce my little pumpkin clear brownEyes sparkle the darkness that unfoldedInto a sparkling sunrise that some howEmerged into a beautiful baby daughter.

Marina and Painting

some how
choose what they
want to do and yesterday
was weird enough in it’s self.
so I ask Marina what she wants to
do tonight and she said. Paint the basement.
and if that wasn’t the oddest answer an odder thing also
happened. She did a wonderful job painting that
basement floor a pretty shiny green with new
bounce and energy in that room and you
know what everytime I enter that
room I will remember..

Green Marina

basement floor shiny
green painted by tiny angel
skipping homework to

be green with her dad
as green paint is permanent
as the memories

The late night crossword puzzle ninety
percent solved lying on the kitchen table with
clues un answered as tomorrow’s paper
has just been delivered with answers to
yesterday’s questions, that usually go unread.

And on rare occasion, when the puzzler,
the solver reads yesterdays answers they quietly
kick them self believing they knew the answer
and stored somewhere for another day rarely
retrieved left unresolved for another late night
crossword puzzle session.

Late Night
The peace and
Absolute quiet and
Serenity of a resting
House with four once raging
Little whirlwinds snuggled away
On their respected beds, with their
Big dreams in their little bodies set of
Subtlety by a clock ticking away, a warm
Breeze blowing through an open window and
A lonely street sweeper- giving a whirl wind semi
Colon respite from this day to a completely all together
Different day as time and notion parade happily without cadence
At the speed of one second per second, predictably and randomly.

why can eight lines
leave me mesmerized....

The Palm Tree

You know what.
You have really caught my attention.....

I had a giant palm tree...
I planted it a while ago
It was beautiful.
It died during an ice storm
last year.....
I missed that big old shade tree.
A little green sprout popped up through
the ground yesterday...

It reminded me of you.


Lifes egnimatic puzzleswhirl twister like randomly throwing cross roads where ironically the turns were predetermined...Hands you Lemons.....and more lemons and paladrome melonsmelancholy acidicgentle reminders...of painful milesinverted smilespiles of themfiles of themthe final milemuscles ripple jaggedendorphin distortedfaded hope of finishingvanishes as oasis likefinish line appears....there she is brighteyed beautiful as Iwonder how long thelight took to arrive to make her look this way.

Busy Goes to the Hospital

Axioms for a Random Life

One Foggy morning I reluctantly rose out of bed about two hours earlier than usual and I had my dreams fresh in my head. Dreams can be illusive. In one dream my daughter Marina asked me to clean the filters on the heating system as Mommy always had worried about those filters. When the filters get clogged the heating system labors and in some cases the system uses oil much quicker than normal. So for some reason, I just thought about it for a second and instinctually got out of bed and marched down into the basement. I fumbled for the flashlight and surprisingly in five minutes the filters were scoured and clean as a whistle. This act alone surprised me as I am not the most handy person on earth and I never seem to no where the flash lights are.And as I was putting the filters back in I looked on the floor and to my surprise there was a gentle surprise. Hidden near the heater, I found a pair of brown cords that I had been missing for months as well as well as a favourite CD that was missing for the same period.
Two weeks ago I was sitting at the computer and heard a yelp from across the street. . . . My dog had been hit by a car. I rushed out as fast as I could and yelled, 'That’s's my dog,' as people gathered around my battered Basset 'Busy.' Without me saying a word, people, total strangers, were instantly on cell phones calling vets. The driver was so upset. And she had a child in the car. I calmed her and told her not to give it a second thought.
Another stranger out of nowhere jumped out of his car with towels. I have no idea his name and I still have his towel. Another girl who had stopped yelled out, “Put the dog in my car and I'll drive him to the vet.” The stranger with the towels helped me lift the scared and battered basset. He was heavy, and within two minutes of (my) arriving at the scene the panting and stunned dog was in the car and headed to the hospital.Courtney, I learned on the ride to the hospital was a full time Nanny and worked at a local CafĂ©, drove very calmly and safely right to the hospital (the directions to which the guy with the towells had scribbled down). "She stayed with me until I was no longer needed at the hospital and gave me a ride back home. It's not like I don't have a ton of friends. These events all just happened and people instantly responded with kindness.The doctor said Busy probably will be fine. He's a strong dog. But all I know is he got there as fast as possible with the spontaneous kindness of people who went that extra mile to be just plain nice. They were very sweet. And I thank them.

Two weeks later, I walked out the front door slowly walking my still sore dog and my neighbor whom I never knew ran was starting his run....I quickly said....Hey do you want somebody to run with.He kindly smiled and said sure....so I changed quickly and we were off on a pleasant conversation filled run where at two miles....I recognized a placeWhere the girl workedWho drove Busy to the hospitalafter he was hit by a Car
[A total stranger before the accident]
I stopped in mid runCourtney she was working
And her face lit up.
And I told her Busy's going to be okay.She smiled a smile
I will always remember.I like smiles like that.

This life we live is random and if we keep our eyes open there are many beautiful people and beautiful things right in our own neighborhood, even our own houses. And within that, it nice to be kind to those you do in fact come in contact with. And many times this is not predetermined. It is random, it is quirky but the one consistency that keeps coming back to me is follow your dreams, listen to your children and live an active and balanced life.

Wreckless Ramblings

Just one random sunny evening on a cloudy day
Out of nowhere seems like I was venturing somewhere
When I was looking at the crescent moon
For what it was worth on that moonless day
Pops up this little glint of sunshine.

Guess what as per usual on this a typical
cloudy radiant sunny day this brief little
epic insight willowy terse sweet chirpy
little sparrow shyly taps me on the shoulder
and says Hey Its Me.